The True Story of an Orange Tabby Cat and a Multicultural Family
An English, Japanese, and Chinese Children's Book you can read in three languages. Written with the hope of instilling an interest in children towards learning languages and going abroad.
The price of the book is set at $22.22 because it connects directly with Japanese culture. Every year in Japan, February 22nd is celebrated as National Cat Day, as the date resembles the words “nyan nyan nyan” (meow meow meow).
Support local small businesses! These books are proudly printed and bound in Texas, U.S.A. Your book order directly supports 5 small businesses (4 local in DFW, 1 in Japan).
(JPN/ENG, 日英) デンちゃん 海を渡った猫・Den Chan The Cat Who Crossed the Ocean©
Signed by the Author: Ann Katagiri
Size: 8.5in x 8.5in (21.5cm x 21.5cm)
イラストレーション: 手描き
Illustrations: Traditionally hand drawn
Material: Hardcover binding on high-quality paper stock
Support local small businesses! These books are proudly printed and bound in Texas, U.S.A.
季節関係なく、プレゼントに最適ですし、英語や中国語の勉強にも役立ちます! 本のデザインもビューティフルで、読み終わったら、猫を飼いたくなりました。2冊目があれば是非読みたいです!
Highly recommend as a present for loved ones and is useful for those studying Chinese or Japanese! The book's design is beautiful and after reading it, I had a yearning to go adopt a cat. Would love to read a Part 2 of Den chan's story!
This is a sweet and captivating children’s book with beautiful illustrations and an inspiring message about facing and embracing the challenges of change. It has so much charm, and I appreciate all of the lovingly added details of the story. I got copies of this book for my nieces and nephews, and they really enjoy it (especially my niece who is an avid cat lover). Also, for me, this book is already providing a fun opportunity to learn more of the Japanese language. I highly recommend this book!
Such a beautifully drawn and written book! It's a great story about the courage to face new adventures! This will definitely be helping me on my journey to learn Japanese.
Adorable story - Den-chan's adventure will charm children of all ages! The art is also vivid and captivating and brings it all to life! The details about the transition between cultures is sure to grow interest and exposure in the readers, or to resonate with any who have similar experiences.
I love this children’s book! If you are looking for a bilingual kid’s book, look no further! This story will captivate & inspire readers of all ages to be courageous in the face of change (big and small). I love all the details that the author adds - it feels as though I’m being invited to join in the story. The illustrations for the book are gorgeous; they capture the subtlety of both countries and cultures so well using brilliant colors to bring the story to life.
Highly recommend this book!
This is the first bilingual book I have ever read and it's really cool - the version I chose was the Japanese/English edition. it's so cool to be able to practice my Japanese along with the English translations so readily available. The story is so sweet and also unique in that it was written from the perspective of Den Chan, the cat! The illustrations in the book are so cute and whimsy too, and the book itself is bound very nicely and has a great feel in your hands. Would def recommend!