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Please Educate Yourself・知っておくべき事・应该知道的重要事情

Writer's picture: Ann K.Ann K.

Updated: Jan 19

There are a lot of businesses out there now offering “cash discounts”. This is simply a way for them to cover up the fact that they charge YOU the transaction fees that occur if you pay with a credit card. Their normal inflated prices already include a transaction fee, so paying in cash isn't a “discount”, it's the price you should be paying from the beginning.

At A Halfie's Rambles, I will NEVER charge my customers a transaction fee because I believe businesses should pay for their own operating costs and run their business with that in mind. If you can't, why are you running a business?

  • Any business that has YOU in mind will not give a cash discount

  • Any fees you have to pay to offset a business transaction fee for credit card usage should be illegal

  • You always have to pay taxes regardless of any discount!

So please, please stop asking me if I will give you a cash discount if you pay in cash. I do not charge you the transaction fee I pay for every single sale. My fees run up to several dollars per transaction I make in order to run my business. But that burden will never be put onto you.

No, I cannot take off the tax if you pay in cash... Tax is paid quarterly to the State of Texas and I am proud to say that I am a legal business that reports all of my sales. I am not a local business that doesn't do my taxes properly.

So again, please STOP asking me to take off the tax if you pay with cash because I have standards with which I run my business.

I believe businesses should stop adding transaction fees to everything and realize that customers deserve transparency and honesty -- not a “discount” that is a disguise for them to make you pay for their operating costs.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading,

-A Rambling Halfie




  • お客様の事を考えたビジネスは、現金割引をしない

  • クレジットカード使用による取引手数料を相殺する為に支払わなければならない手数料は違法であるべきだ

  • 割引の有無にかかわらず、税金は必ず支払わなければいけません!







- つぶやき続けるハーフ


现在有很多商家提供 "现金折扣"。这只是他们掩盖事实的一种方式,即他们会向你收取用信用卡支付时产生的交易费。他们正常的虚高价格已经包含了交易费,所以用现金支付并不是 "折扣",而是你从一开始就应该支付的价格。


  • 任何为你着想的企业都不会给予现金折扣

  • 为抵消使用信用卡的商业交易费而支付的任何费用都应是非法的

  • 无论是否有折扣,你都必须纳税!


不,如果你用现金支付,我不能免税... 税款每季度向德克萨斯州缴纳一次,我可以自豪地说,我是一家合法经营的企业,会报告我所有的销售额。我不是一家不按规定纳税的本地企业。


我认为商家应该停止在任何事情上添加交易费,并认识到顾客应该得到透明和诚实,而不是变相让你为他们的运营成本买单的 "折扣"。



- 漫谈的混血儿

Photo Credit: Akira Katagiri


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